Friday, February 21, 2014

Florida Strawberry Flapjacks

Ahhhhh, the pleasures of visiting "Graham Cracker" and "Pop Pop" in Florida. They live at the beach. They read piles of picture books. They cut up fruit for us.

Florida strawberries happen to be in prime season!* For this morning's flapjacks, we're keeping it fairly simple while "vacation." We start with Trader Joe's Multi-grain pancake mix- kinda like starting with a little black dress. Then, we accessorize.

Today, additions include: coconut oil, vanilla, unsweetened coconut, powdered sugar (Thanks only to Grandma!) & Florida strawberries.  

One of my three sisters visited their beach condo last, leaving behind some coconut oil (Did you organic, cold-pressed coconut oil is considered a new superfood?). O "paints" the griddle with it. Then, we melt 2 TBSP coconut oil, adding it when the "box recipe" calls for oil. I am shocked to find real vanilla in their spice cabinet and add about 1 tsp to the mix, as we always do at home.

Graham Cracker purees strawberries for our batter and slices them for a topping.

I am told there is snow in 49 of the 50 states. You can make that 50 now. It always "snows" at Graham Cracker and Pop Pops: powdered sugar topping is their special treat over hot breakfasts. As the mom, I sprinkle unsweetened coconut flakes for a nutritional (and tasty) boost.

Eating on their dock is O's idea.

O loved the Florida Strawberry Flapjacks, saying, "They tasteS good!" But, then, he's never met a pancake he didn't like.

Box mix or not, these pancakes pack a wholesome taste with just a hint of coconut. I would add even more strawberry puree and vanilla next time. Note: Gobble these up on Day 1- leftovers were dry.

*Am reading Barbara Kingsolver's Animal, Vegetable, Miracle while on vacay.  Did you know the average item on a US dining table has traveled 1,500 miles? These strawberries are tasting even sweeter!

Straight from O:
"Pop Pop [also] gave me candy ["Annie's fruit snacks"!!] for breakfast."

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